updated on 06.04.2002

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content: page:
language buttons, contact address www.summercamp.squat.net/index.html
crossover summer camp invitation and new project manifesto (03/2002)


(english versions)


(french versions)


(spanish versions)


(polish versions)


(german versions)


(camp invitation in portuguese)


(camp invitation in russian)

minutes of the first phase of the project (till 01/2002)


(in english)


(no content)


(no content)


(no content)


(in german)

invitation to the crossover conference (01/2002), texts from the reader, articles about the conference


(invitation in english, 3 texts, one article)


(invitation in french)


(invitation in spanish)


(no content)


(invitation in german, various texts, links to articles)

english conference reader /reader.english.pdf
german conference reader /reader.german.pdf
invitation to the crossover seminar in 04/2002 in berlin, program


(invitation and program in english)


(invitation and program in french)


(invitation and program in spanish)


(invitation and program in polish)


(invitation and program in german)

news /news.html
site map /sitemap.html